level 360

CRank: 5Score: 113220

True, only the die-hards and the filthy can-affords would buy it. While the smarter ones will wait till Sony brings the price to a more reasonable level along with that brand new chip they'ved been telling us about which is smaller, better and cheaper to produce, finally release more games ( hopefully really really soon... ), bring force feedback on the sixaxis ( also now the matter has benn resolved ), put the 80gb as a standard feature ( same as the Korean version )...etc...

6334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A very nice addition to the title, this does mean a lot dogfight battles from the skies up into space, star wars type mothership vs jetfighter wars, some surface-to-air missile launch combats... Very nice indeed.

6334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Better judgement by Sony on costs - it's true we can't all afford a PS3 unless they cut down the price, the sooner the better. On games - before the reasoning was most of the public mistook the PS3 as more of a Blu-Ray movie player than a games console, at least now it's the other way around. On the sixaxis control pad - this is only minor problem?, but now that things have been finally settled rumble will have it's return. On all those negativity surrounding the PS3 - The blame all lies in t...

6334d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Think about it - if there were no more Playstations on the market what's going to happen to the industry it tried to make so popular? It would be such a dull place with just two ( not neccessarily compatible - excluding PC and all handhelds ) combatants. Choice and some friendly competition which is very important to us all will totally be gone., then we'll also miss the fanboys/girls bashings on a lot of websites. So I say that Playstation should continue... but seriously think about the gam...

6334d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bet you all if she gives it, you'd never call her ugly again... that's unless you're like...

6335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Costs killed the PS3 - period, it's good but reality check please. If I offered you Brand A = $500 = Good enough plus Brand B = $1,000 = Good enough, what would you get? Asswipes...

6335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Get this, here in Australia ( as of now ) - an XBox 360 premium sells for around AU$530.00, a WII AU$420.00 while the PS3 60gb is a whooping AU$980.00. You can actually get both the XBox and the WII for the price of one PS3!!! Now tell me why it is'nt selling well??!!! Only numbnuts and fanboys will try to buy it. Sony if you're listening - really listening, bring your prices down, for the love of all well minded gamers bring it down....

6335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That would be really good, but I doubt it will ever happen - to release all this titles in one go... As long as they just release them ( a few here and a few there ) it's alright by us, just don't give us the run around again by coming-out with this sort of prints - it makes the marketing guys over there at Sony more untrustworthy.

6336d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Quite true. It's not very innovative to have a brick - which was never given any thought in the design process next to the console.

6337d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You should shout ( Price Drop!!! ) as well so you would'nt get shafted over there... and also ask for the best deals. That's how you bargain with this people, or maybe you'ved already surrenderd and accepted the consequences. I'm so sorry for you.

6338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game has made quite a very positive impression on everyone. An underdog of a game but really good.

6338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Got any news about when they are going to put in that smaller/better chip ( 65 something, forgot what it's called... ) on the PS3? Hopefully by then it would be a lot cheaper ( please let it be at least around AU$700.00 from the original AU$1,000.00 ) here in Australia... And with this same 80gig ( if only as well... )

6338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'ved got a question for you guys/gals out there... I'ved seen on the video that they were doing some CGI interiors on the vehicles, but have never seen any in-game shots with any of them yet ( like those on the PGR3 in-car ). Will they ever do something like this?, on Forza 2 it seems the problem is the vast number of vehicles is the reason for not putting it on the game, is it going to be the same for GranTurismo HD and the next GranTurismo 5? I'm really hoping by then that the computing po...

6338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo 3, DIRT: Colin McRae, Gears of War 2 - this is still next year, right? ( Drake's Fortune - damn this game's good, but this is only on the PS3 ).

6338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Seen the actual in-game video, and have to say I'm very impressed by everything. This game will not dissapoint.

6338d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

With all the bull that's been comin' out of the marketing peoples' asses out at Sony, I seriously don't believe any of their statistical graph of lies anymore... Not one bit. They keep fudging graph after graph, stat after stat - this are the same hoolligans that's actually destroying the Sony brand name.

6339d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What to impress your 'mates that your so dumb to buy machine that cost 3 to 4 times as much and watch a movie that you'ved seen on your standard dvd for a lot less??? What a knob you really are!!!... You could have waited till we get flooded by more brands ( more features/connections + cheaper deals ) and by then the big plasma's and the lcd's tvs' would have been a bargain too. Asswipe!

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't wait - looks really cool!!, already pre-ordered a copy here in Australia, they said it would be released around October... counting the days now...

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm so sorry Sega, but this is a PS1 era game. Really it does - and that's the truth. Arcade or Sim, PS3/XBox360/WII where it might be released, it's still very much a last before the last-generation game. Sorry.

6339d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing gets approved till it is said so by Sony and it's marketing/advertising staff, the same people that are coming-out with such false projected statistics. That the PS3 sales are so massively strong - and kickin' the competition by the wayside. I't's already the ( 3rd ) time blunder for all of them, and this projects strongly on their blurry judgements ( what a load of crap/money hungry people - the whole lot of them... not to main brand itself though ), but more on the Sony name.

6339d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment